"Mamma! I wanna a dog!" I remember screeching as a seven-year-old. It's pretty obvious that I'm gaga over anything that moves on fours! Well, I started early. I found a fellow animal enthusiast in my grandfather. When I was a little kid we used to conspire on smuggling a dog into the house ( my mom had firmly put her foot down and said 'it's either you or the dog' Well, you can hardly argue with that can you? ). I remember sitting in the balcony with him in the evenings, clapping my hands and shrieking with laughter as he mused on which dog we would get. He would go along just to humor me, but for me it was a fantasy! I could hardly wait to get home from school and continue our discussions. And for three months I ate, slept, and breathed dogs until I finally convinced my granddad to actually get a dog.
source: scottsysinc.com
When we shifted to Hyderabad a month later, I had my first glimpse of the dog. My dog. I remember getting down from the car and watching with wide eyes. She was just a puppy then. He'd chained her to keep her from running to us. We were strangers then, hardly having met. She yapped and growled, feisty little lady, until my granddad had convinced her we were of no threat. I named her Dome ( pronounced Domee ). Today she's a 40 kg, brownish black, German shepherd. To me she's God's greatest gift. It's been 10 years since we first met yet every time I see her I fall in love with her all over again! I love having a pet! I feel its something every child should experience. Dogs are much like children themselves, innocent and charged with energy!
source: free-extras.com
There's a reason behind why dogs are called man's best friend. They are so much more than just animals, they are sentient beings who live and feel the same way we do. Its so much more uncomplicated with them you know . . . . I guess that's why people grow and evolve as a person after having a pet. They are able to tune in much more quickly to human emotions versus a person who's life has been untouched by such silent companions. There's a reason behind why children yearn for pets . . . they cater to your emotional needs on such a basic level, falling in love with them is an invariable factor . . . it just happens. Ever wondered why people did not have a tough time communing with something that can't respond back through words? Well when you're dealing with something with which you don't have the bluster of words to hide behind your true intentions come to life. That's why animals, dogs in particular make such excellent judges of character.
My dog is sort of an emotional anchor for me. I can vent out my heart to her, tell her about my whole day or just blabber to her in general and I know by the way she cocks her head and pricks up her years that she understands what I'm saying. When I speak her undivided attention is on ME. Tell me how many people can give you that time of day? One? Two? Yeah the worlds a fast place, there's no time anymore. Plus with a dog you can be yourself. They don't care if your fat or thin, ugly or beautiful, rich or poor, they just love you for who you are and that is a great feat by any standard.
source: funz.eu
The utter faithfulness of a dog is commendable, the other day I was watching Hachiko and was literally in tears cause what I saw was a wonderful portrayal of the truth. It does not apply to that dog in particular rather to their whole kind, once a dog gives you his heart he invariably gives you his life too. He will die trying to protect you, you will be the thing that matters most. I doubt anyone in today's world would be so liberal! And for what? They are so free in giving their love, the street dog next to my wags her tail and makes these cute whinny noises whenever I go near just because I put out water for her during the summers along with stale bread or biscuits every evening! But the girl at school won't even smile back at me just cause I'm more popular than her! Honestly what an extraordinary waste of time! Why hate when you can love? The world's seriously a weird place to live in people . . . !!
source: amcny.wordpress.com
A touch says so much.
A pat on my dog's head tells her 'I care for you'
A kiss on her snout tells her 'I love you'
A loving caress says 'You matter to me'
A big hug tells her ' My life is incomplete without you'
Probing fingers when she's hurt tell her 'I'm concerned'
A nudge with my leg tells her 'Oi! Get outof my way!'
Its the small things which matter with her. Literally! She doesn't need to understand the words I'm saying, she gets what she needs to know through my tone. She doesn't care if I buy her chew toys or balls, she cares about me joining her in playing with those things. She doesn't need for me to cook her a heavy three-course meal, plain old Parle-G will do as long as its fed to her with the utmost love.
source: photos.ibibo.com
I wish all relationships in life could be as uncomplicated as that. There's a single rule you have to follow while dealing with animals in general. You give love, you get love back. And that's why I loathe people who torture animals for the sake of it, they are capable of so much love and understanding but are chased around streets and are beaten mercilessly just because they have no human mouth to scream with? Just because the same emotions of pain and fear look different when portrayed on a face that's not human? Well that's just sick. I wrote this today in an attempt to make people around me understand my fascination for the subject and the world in general to know what they're missing out on!
All the best people in the world have pets! Its a proven fact!
source: animals.desktopnexus.com