Saturday, November 9, 2013

All That Glitters . . .

Mistakes. Mistakes sum up the entire essence of human existence. Some mistake in the genetic programming of our primate ancestors led to the evolution of the first ever human. A mistake in natures normal pattern ensured that brains and not brawn would emerge victorious and somehow we ended up as the dominant species on this planet. Our history is dotted with mistakes, small mistakes and huge ones, mistakes that caused war and bloodshed and mistakes that resulted in amazing new discoveries! Mistakes that were frowned upon and mistakes that were applauded! 

Hence it wouldn't be surprising to realize that even in our lives we commit colossal and minuscule blunders both knowingly and unknowingly every day! When we think about it mistakes are such commonplace things that often are rendered inconsequential with the passage of time. So it comes as a shock that every time we do commit mistakes we feel as if they are the end of the world when in reality they are just a microscopic glitch in the entire fabric of our lives. But then again, we humans are the creatures of the present so we feel everything poignantly and to full effect. 

Well, this realization hit home today with mind-numbing force. Sometimes you make mistakes that are so huge that they change the way you view your life forever! 

I committed one such mistake. I hurt a friend. I did the unspeakable. I took him for granted.
To me, being cherished and appreciated by my loved ones is the highest satisfaction that life has to offer! I never considered this to be true for those around me as well. I have always prided myself for being a staunch and loyal friend, however nothing is as it appears to be. All that glitters is indeed not gold. I did realize that things were not functioning ideally in our friendship however I rather chose to ignore the cracks in our perfect facade hoping that they would magically heal themselves. However I forgot that I was dealing with a sentient human being and not some lifeless robot capable of regeneration. 

Let me be more precise. As I have always maintained I have had exactly 3 best friends my whole life and he is one of them. However calling him my best friend would be a gross understatement, he is my brother, my family member, an intrinsic part of who I am. Still, like countless others before me who are fortunate enough to be blessed with angles for friends we often fail to recognize the real deal and are jolted harshly to our senses only when we are in danger of that very thing slipping through our fingers. The problem in our case was that he is an angel and I am an insensitive wreck. He is the type of person who cares less about how people treat him and more about how he treats them. He can never remain angry for long and usually gets over being offended pretty quickly. 
I realize now that I had unconsciously taken his saintly nature for granted and had mistaken him to be exactly that. A saint. I forgot that he too is a real person with very real feelings that are in danger of being hurt.

I consciously chose to spend time with my other friends over spending time with him as I was full of the misplaced confidence that whatever happened I could run back to him if things were to come crashing down. That is where things went south. I had reduced him to a fallback. An option. No friends of yours should ever treat you as an option! Yet that is what I did! Unconsciously, it may be but I stripped our friendship of any value by not giving it any importance. Even the most firmly rooted tree will curl up its roots and die if you refuse to water it. That is exactly what happened in this case. Relationships are like trees, that will weather almost any storm, will stand fast even in the strongest of gales provided their foundation is strong, their roots are firm. And the key to having strong roots is to nourish your relationship regularly by pouring love, warmth and caring into it. 
I have learnt my lesson now and I am trying hard to mend walls and fix fences however I do have the sense that things are never going to be the same again. As the legendary poet Rahim Das says:

Rahiman Dhaaga Prem Ka
Mat Thodo Chattkaye
Toote phir na jure
Jure toh gannt padh jaye
Meaning: Do not break the string of love. 
Once broken it will not join again.
Even if it does there will always be a knot in it as a reminder
Still, an intact string is any day preferable to a broken one and hopefully with due diligence and attention to detail this knot will soon fade into anonymity and our friendship will once more regain its light and hearty flavor. I hope for the best..

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sweet Nothings

So I was watching this movie (Yeah that's it. No mile-long intro this time. I frankly don't have the time, or patience ) "A Little Bit Of Heaven" (great movie by the way!) and as I was crying uncontrollably and blowing my nose ( very loudly and disgustingly I might add) I realized . .. . . . . nothing.
Yes, indeed. There was no epiphany, no dawning of anything upon me. No strange halo of light surrounding me, nothing, zero. Why you might ask? Don't. I have no answer for you. I am random. Deal with it.
So anyways back to me crying and soiling a perfectly good towel (disgusting I know, but hey there wasn't a napkin nearby). I was being carried away by this wave of emotion that was washing over me, leaving me bleached, erasing my identity and leaving me a whisper in the wind. I ceased to exist. And I loved every minute of it.


It wasn't the movie. I mean not this movie in particular. It's me. I do that. I get so absorbed in the silver screen. I feel every heartbreak of the protagonist as poignantly as if it were my own, I shed tears of sorrow at the death of a character. I blush like a retard during the romantic scenes, fall off the sofa hysteric with laughter during the funny ones, wring my hands with anticipation during the tense moments and scream obscenities and hurl free advice at the leads when I know they're about to do something stupid.
So in short I go through every spectrum of emotion that life has to offer me all in an hour or two. And like I said love every minute of it.


Cinema to me is sacred. The theater is my altar and the stars are my deities. Movies offer me a serenity that I desperately need. They give me a break from my life. I drown in the movie and resurface at the end of it, refreshed and rejuvenated. Quality cinema is a gift from the heavens to me. I have always appreciated everything beautiful in life and it is but natural that I would gravitate toward films.
They have so much to offer! Watching a film is like dreaming with your eyes open. It's an insight into the working of the human mind. A direct route to the soul of a human being.  It's satisfying that tiny part in you that still believes in magic and unicorns and happy endings.
I have always been a movie buff but its only recently that I have acknowledged the important niche they occupy in my life. Anything that strengthens my belief in life is dear to me actually. It is not only movies that capture my fancy and make my heart skip a beat. In fact all multi-media manage to serenade me pretty well. Books and songs have their place high up in the list, TV too. Sleep also. I love sleeping. It's my most favorite thing to do in the world.

Anything that whisks me away from reality gets me hooked. I love it when I get the chance to forget the rest of the world and be suspended in limbo with nothing to worry about. It's flying, floating in a pool of cool water. It's like dreaming with your eyes open. (I said that already didn't I?) Like getting high but without any of the harmful side-effects. It's not like I have anything against reality but then everyone needs to blow off steam once in a while and I guess movies are my way of doing that! I am a worrywart. And left to my own devices I would probably convince myself that the world is all dark and evil and smelly. And would probably grow up to be a lonely old woman sitting in a corner cackling away to herself about the latest conspiracy theories.
Stuff like cinema, books and music play their part in keeping me normal and sane. They are by my opinion the pinnacle of mankind's evolution. They make me feel. They restore my faith in humanity and let me see the bright side of things. They are the sweet nothings that help me endure. They are the side dish to the amazing main course: Life.



Friday, March 15, 2013

Cry Me A River

What do yo do when your gut wrenches with unimaginable grief? Your eyes brim with tears of anger that leave a trail of hot streaks on your cheek?
What do you do when the magnitude of your gratitude is too collosal to be expressed through words? When your eyes turn skyward and your heart burns with relief so fierce that you feel as if you were burning up?
What do you do when the tug of emotion is so gentle and heart numbing that it leaves you breathless? When you overflow with love and peace and everything in between? When the ecstasy in you paints colorful and ethereal pictures in your mind?
What do you do when your spirit soars? And triumph, more potent than any drug lies sweet, on the tip of your tongue? When you are gripped with that unerring faith that everything wil come through . . . . .
What do you do?
You cry yourself a river.

Tears are Gods way of telling you that yes, you are fragile and that's perfectly okay. Tears are your constant companions through the good and the bad. Admittedly mostly through the bad,still who denies that a good cry can be therapeutic at times. Tears are a way of letting you know that you've reached your endurance point but that once you stop to rest for a while you'll be ready to stand up and fight again. Tears  expose the most vulnerable part of you. Honest tears, lay bare your intentions and strip you of your pretentious notions.
They lead you to a realm in the human mind which is understood by few. The realm of emotion. Where every strand of thought is unapologetically colored in innumerable hues, bright and blinding. The part of you that makes you coo at babies, the part that makes you giggle when rejuvenating rain strikes your face, the part of you that few have access to, the real you.
Today connecting with oneself has become next to impossible. Pressures at your workplace, a boss to impress, a mother to hide an illegality from, the leader of the clique who means next to nothing to you yet who you still insist on flattering. . . . .
Such deceptions not only create an alien persona of yourself to others but also alienate you from yourself as well. The real you is the person in the mirror, who you come home to everyday and who you secretly have to live with. Trust your emotions, they speak the truest of you. Truest, not the best. But that's okay because you are obligated to believe in yourself, even if you don't like what you're seeing! Great things start with the proper vision.The moon lay around for centuries but never did it seem so attainable a prospect until scientist hungered for it to be in their grasp. They had vision. All great people do.


My mission in life was to learn detachment. To stop feeling quite so much. To stop being hurt by the people around me. But then I realized its sort of like what the ostrich does : sticking your head in the ground and wishing the danger away. The more I try to push my feelings away the more I become biscuit.  Feelings are the essence of life, push them away and you lead a bland existence. More stable, yes but all the less intriguing. Life is like an ocean, calm come days, whipping up a frenzy the next. But there is one thing about it you cant deny; be it a calm sparkly day wherein the waves are mere ripples on the surface and the sunlight glints like gems on the surface of the sea or a dark, boisterous, stormy day, wherein the waves refused to be tamed and howl and screech like demented creatures, you cannot deny, the sight is still beautiful and awe inspiring.
I'm trying my best to hit the curve balls life throws at me. I make mistakes everyday but it doesn't change the fact that for every mistake I learn ten times. And that realization sometimes manages to comfort me when I feel all is bleak and damp.
 So yeah, sometimes I cry myself a river, but you know the best thing about rivers? They take you wherever you wanna go!
