I was irritated, kind of bemused actually. Could my classmates really be so childish? I was staring at the scene out of any ordinary friendship day, flashes of colour highlighting every one's wrists, people laughing, hugging. All that was quite fine but I being the sour puss as usual thought "I don't need a particular day to tell my friends that they're special to me! Honestly, what a waste of time!"
I really don't see the meaning behind days like Mothers day or Fathers day . . . . . It's an accepted fact in my mind that they are meant to be loved and cherished at all times, not just one puny day in a year! This attitude firmly stuck in my head, I marched into school, smirking quietly as I watched people rushing around and in my opinion 'making fools of themselves.'

Nevertheless, I did not fail to take bands along for my friends as quite a few of them were literally bouncing off the walls with excitement on the day! As I entered school, something changed. The tenderness, love and affection I saw on the faces of my friends quite literally melted my heart! My indifferent feelings were turned to putty as I laughed along with them and reveled in the feeling of being wanted and cared for. The strip of colour on my wrist ceased to be just that, it now stood for more. I was (for the first time) quite happy on being proved wrong. Maybe I hadn't understood the central purpose of dedicating a day to friendship.
My friends are an integral part of my life, the sun rises and sets with them! They stand with me through all phases of life and make the experience all the more sweeter. I always make it a point to let them know how much they mean to me, but its not always possible all the time! After all these years I finally understand what makes my friends rocket off the walls! It gave me a deep sense of satisfaction to profess my love for them and receive the same so freely! I still firmly believe in the need to make my friends happy on a daily basis, this is just another feather to the hat!
Friendship is something that is earned, not granted is what I've come to learn over the past years. I've made friends, good, bad and OK. Some have moved away and some have moved on but today I am left with people who are worth their weight in gold! Thank you Smruthi, Ayush, Janani, Mukundh and all the other wonderful people whose names I have not mentioned here. Life is so much easier with you guys around! I know I'm not the easiest person to be friends with, so thank you for sticking with me through times, good and bad! This one goes out to all of you! Thankyou and love you!
Awww... Thank you! And yeah...i miss you a lot! I am pretty sure you'll be a great writer someday...
ReplyDeleteAnd you remember right...that i am going to publish your novel..??!!
Definetly babe! and thanks for all the support, it means a lot